Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Stroll around the harbour.....(again)......and Bar St By DAY!

My youngest daughter has had a high temperature for two days, but thank god is much better today, so we were able to go out and about.....I was beginning to get itchy feet!

In the Harbour, the artists are back, I love watching them work.   They make it look so easy.  Portrait sketches and funny caricatures, all of them extremely talented.  They rent their 'space' from the local council and are there from the morning.....till late in the evening.  No wonder Lidia has a bandage round her hand!  It was interesting talking to all the artists, and I hopefully have found an Art Teacher for my daughter at the same time!

Crossing over on the other side you will find small stalls selling shells (and pretty necklaces made from shells, and ornate boxes) & sponges from the island of Kalymnos, (which is opposite Kos) at reasonable prices, and easy to pack in your suitcase, without worrying about any extra weight!

If you head towards the Hippocrates Tree there are Jewellery Shops, Restaurants, Coffee Bars, and stalls where you can by local art on canvas, again very impressive, and at a good price.

Oh no!  I've just thought, I asked this guy what time does he have to work until in the evening, and he told me he was free.......god, I hope he didn't think I was trying to chat him up!  I did have my youngest daughters in tow though!

The Bar Street comes alive after dark, but what most people don't realise is that even in the day time, there are snack bars and restaurants where you can stop for a quiet drink and a bite to eat.  You can relax, overlooking the ancient ruins and beautiful flowers.  'Holland' is run by a Dutch friend, and her partner, and is well worth a visit, at anytime of day or evening.....!

Traditional Greek gyros cooking on a spit.....mmmm  then wrapped in delicious pitta bread......with onions, tsatsiki (tangy garlic & yogurt dip) and french fries..........and of course so many other things to try to!

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