Friday, April 23, 2010


TODAY,  men named Giorgos (George), and women named Giorgia (Geogina), are celebrating.  It is their name day...... the Day of St. George.  Most of the popular names in Greece originate from Saints and Religion.

Name Day celebrations are generally considered more important than actual birthdays.  Presents are given, flowers, families get together over coffee and cakes,and meals.  Often the festivities go on into the night!
People visit the church of St. George, to take communion, and light candles.

Here in Kos it is also tradition in the village of Pyli to horserace on St. Georges Day!  Crowds of people, gather in the streets and line the pavements to watch a few men on horseback gallop past!  Apparently there aren't any prizes, but I am sure a few 'bets' are made! ?  It's all about the Glory!  Sadly, I didn't make it today, but have watched this event several times in the past.

So I have no photo's of horses.....or of any St. George Churches today, but I do have one of hedgehogs!  Is that an albino one? 

The beaches actually had a few tourists on them this afternoon. Most of the Kos Town Beaches are now open and ready for (hopefully) a busy summer season.

We Were at Jacksons,  a beautiful bar and restaurant, next to the sea (in Averof Street/Kos Town).  Good music and a clean beach!  (Also, my lovely Danish friend & her family own this bar, so it makes visiting here even better!).

Not forgetting to mention The Catholic Church,  where I spent the morning (not actually in it), but outside in the garden drinking coffee with British friends.  I knew churches would feature somewhere!

MOOSEMALA (or something like that!)......I actually knew the Greek word but not the English!

I now know the name of a yellowish orange fruit that grows here in English, I had never seen them before I came to Greece....The Greeks call them' moosemala' and we, 'loquats' !  You see, you learn something new everyday!
Anyway, they are in season here, and the whole island is full of these trees.  This picture was  taken from the church.  I was actually given a bag full of them a few days ago, when I gave an old women a lift up the road 'for my kindness'!  I often aquire, eggs, lemons, and whatever fruit is in season this way! 

If you offered an old lady a lift in England, she would probably think you were going to steal her handbag!

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