Monday, April 19, 2010


Today I visited new friends that are British, retired and living out their dream on the island of Kos. They bought a plot of land and built a beautiful house, in an olive grove that overlooks the sea, bringing their lovely dogs with them, and adopting a Kos stray too (that was camera shy)! 

 There are many British and other foreign nationalities living here, some just working and staying for the summer season, others that have settled and cannot imagine an existence anywhere else, enjoying the Greek way of life!  Many of the people that I have the  pleasure of knowing, worked or are still working as I was, in  Travel & Tourism, and that is how we found ourselves in Kos.  We then fell in love had our 'Greek' weddings, families and settled on the Island.

This afternoon with the weather warm and cloudy, far to cloudy for swimming today, we decided to go to the park. Whilst stopping for refreshments,  we noticed that the Church was open, and they had finally finished the High Priests' Office, and rooms too, which had been under renovation for some time. 

So we had a little look. Considering my eldest children had been going to the school next door for 5 yrs, it was the first time I had actually been inside. On most occassions it had been closed.  It was absolutely amazing.  My mouth fell open with the paintings, vibrant colours, icons, church artifacts in glass cabinets (almost like a museum) and the exuberance of it all.  Well worth a visit.

This Church can be found close to The Tourist & Information building.

There is a small statue of a young Greek woman holding water on her shoulder as they did in ancient times, and a seating area . For some reason I cut the head off the poor lady, so she doesn't actually feature here!

Also a statue of a famous Priest, and a little bit further you will see a monument for those who died during the wars.

So when there is not much to Blog about, you can always find a church.....there are hundreds on the island!

and then Home to do some gardening....and I actually have found my hedge that I planted with the help of my children and friends last year, and now I have blisters on my hand, that hurt when I type!