Saturday, April 24, 2010


My husband asks why I've mentioned several places, restaurants, bars,  and I haven't  written about  ours.  So, as the afternoon was actually spent collecting stones from the beach for the pathways, and the garden of the restaurant/taverna, I thought now seems as good as time as any, to get it out there!  AND it will be open very soon!



I fell in love with, such a magical setting, before ever laying eyes on my husband to be!  It is in a perfect position, right in the centre of Kos Town's Harbour .  You can sit on one of the tables that overlook the boats, castle walls and watch the hustle and bustle, with excellent views, or relax in the beautiful quiet garden at the back of the restaurant. Which, if it's a little bit windy, is sheltered from the breeze.

Every day 100's of people pass and take photo's of the steps, and the restaurant.  We always joke and say, if we charged a fee, we would be millionaires by now!  Infact it has been photographed in tourist brochures, magazines, we've had models, modelling up and down those stairs, International film crews, Local, and National television stations, and famous celebs passing through.  There are also postcards throughout Greece, featuring The Fish House!

My mother always jokes and says "Why did you marry a man with a Fish Restaurant, when you don't even eat fish?".....Well, the menu is spectacular and offers a wide range of not only Fish/Sea Food dishes, The Fisherman's Pot, Grilled Octopus, King Prawns, Calamaris and so much more,...... but also other House Specialities, such as Moussaka, Lamb Kleftico, Crepes filled with chicken & mushrooms, The Mixed Grill, succulent steaks, and it's making my mouth water as I type!  A huge range of 'mezedes', (cheese pies, vine leaves, courgette pies, saganaki, etc )dips (hommous, tzatziki, taramasalata) and salads too (caesar, Greek, chef, rocket,.....and...).  Catering for every ones tastes, vegetarians too, and family friendly (high chairs provided and half portions available).

Although I hardly get chance to spend time with my husband during the summer, I am soo looking forward to it opening, and not having to cook at home so much.  The food is delicious, (and I don't have to think about the washing up)!

The Fish House has many Fine wines, and House (red, white &; rose- which you can order by the carafe) and a wide selection of beers. Plus of course long, short, soft, etc, (drinks).

If you still have room after your meal, you can choose from the selection of Greek desserts, and Special ice-creams.  Baklava I love, sweet pastry, filled with chopped nuts, and dripping with honey, served with ice-cream and cream, mmmmmm, heavenly!

Slowly, make your way down the steps and have a rest at the Cafe Bar (Nyn Kai Aei-Now and Forever)/The Coffee House, which is much easier to pronounce and remember!  Relax with a liqueur coffee, (my favourite is a Calypso- with Tia Maria) espresso, or go for a cocktail, there are plenty to choose from! Have one for the road, or two, or three!

The Fish House is open ALL DAY, til late in the evening....May-October.   For special occasions, and during July/August please make sure you reserve a table, so as not to be disappointed.

KOS 22420 21725

So there you have it....a Blog Post all about  My husband and his partners Restaurant and Coffee Bar....!!!  and considering I spend quite a lot of my time there during the summer, not working just sampling and enjoying the food,  checking out the beverages, I'd say it was all worth it!

More photo's to be added later.  Find us also on Facebook 'Fish House'!

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