Thursday, April 15, 2010


Another sunny day (aren't we lucky). The morning was spent still trying to get rid of the red rain, (which actually was from a few weeks ago), off from my roof-top balcony...difficult task. This happens quite often in Kos, it's horrible, very, very dirty and dusty.

We had some time to kill before my daughters Modern Dancing Class at 'Ballerina's & Dreams', (The School belongs to an English friend of mine), so we headed to the Kos Harbour, to the park. There are swings there and a slide, however you can't actually see them in the photo!

We watched a fishing boat come in, and went across to see their catch. Only one very large octopus today though, which they had dived for, without the use of a spear gun.

The local fisherman had a wonderful ancient greek name, which for the life of me I can not remember!). He posed with his octopus which he was 'beating' until it turned white (this usually takes about 15 minutes). It involves slamming it down on a hard surface over and over again. This makes them very soft when you eat them, once you've removed most of the ink.

Octopus is a speciality in Greece, and it is often grilled and is superb, especially with a squeeze of lemon or a dash of vinegar.

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